Patent Listings -> Security and Safety Products -> Ultimate Computer Security

Ultimate Computer Security

The present invention relates to devices for preventing unauthorized access to a computer system. The Only Safe and Effective Childproof Security.

Computer Security - Do you think your kids are addicted to MY Space.Com?

computer lockLets face it, kids are kids and many of us led double lives when we were young ...  one for mom and pop and the other for outside ..

Today is different because kids can get into serious trouble almost at the speed of an Internet connection.
So what do you do?  A password?   Ya ... right, but every time he really needs to get on the computer are you going to stop what you are doing and sign him on?     That will get old very quickly and besides what are you going to do when he (she) learns all you need to do is swap 2 cables to use another identical hard drive ... I have a Dell and it opens like a suitcase ... in less then 30 seconds I can swap hard drives or reset the computer password just by removing the small battery.  Let’s face it, in many cases our kids know volumes more about the computer then we do.
There is however one way that is undefeatable.

The Teachers Pet

It goes from package to computer in less then a minute and once installed cannot be removed without the transmitter.
The Teachers Pet removes all power from the computer so no matter what someone does it will not come on unless they have the coded remote.
Would you pay $50 to eliminate worrying about what your child is doing while your at work and they are home on summer vacation?

compulock schematic

For Sale, Investment or open to all offers - please contact:

Tom Harmon
2040 Gannet Ct
Bel Air Md 21015
Phone: 410 569 0128